April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

Anderson Falls hike set for Saturday, May 6th

By From Kris Medic-

Press release

Enjoy the spring woods and find out what's blooming on this moderate Saturday morning hike led by Jason Larson of DNR Nature Preserves at the Anderson Falls Nature Preserve in Bartholomew County.

Meet at the parking lot by 10:30 a.m. Dress for mud and the weather, hills, and a possible low-water stream crossing.

The trail covers about a mile and a half in the 44-acre DNR Nature Preserve located in Anderson Falls County Park. The park is located on County Road 1140 E near Hartsville and Newbern.

This preserve contains mature mesic and dry-mesic upland forest through which flows a 1/2 mile stretch of Fall Fork of Clifty Creek. The mesic upland forest is carpeted by a rich diversity of spring wildflowers; the dry-mesic upland forest harbors summer species such as tall coreopsis under majestic white oaks. The focal point of the park is the 14-foot high waterfall that occurs where Louisville Limestone overlies the less resilient Waldron Shale. This site was well known by geologists prior to the turn of the century for the remarkably well preserved Silurian Age fauna contained in the fossiliferous Waldron Shale layer. Access to the trail requires crossing the stream above the falls. Please use caution crossing the stream.

The Nature Conservancy originally purchased the property in 1977. It has been managed and operated as a Bartholomew County a county park and natural area since then.

Should severe weather cause a cancellation, the rain date will be May 13 at the same time.

For more information, contact Kris Medic at 812-379-1665.[[In-content Ad]]