April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
County parks board looks for Anderson Falls goals
By From Kris Medic-
The Bartholomew County Park Board invites area residents to consider possible goals and strategies for Anderson Falls Park in an open house to be held in the County Commissioners' Chambers, 3-4 p.m. on Thursday Dec. 7th.
The address is 440 Third Street in Columbus, and the Commissioners' Chambers is on the ground floor facing Third Street.
In 2016, stakeholder meetings were held Hartsville and Columbus to begin the process of exploring the best possible future for Anderson Falls Park using a Purdue Extension program called Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces. Out of those meetings, as well as follow-on work sessions, came the drafted goals and strategies that will be introduced at the Open House. Draft goals and strategies sorted into seven areas:
The open house will be followed by the Park Board's regular monthly meeting at 4:30 p.m., covering their regular agenda. Compiled input from the open house will be presented to the board on a later date.
For more on Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces, see www.purdue.edu/fnr/extension/scep/enhancingpublicplaces/
For more information: Kris Medic 812-379-1665[[In-content Ad]]