April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

Duck Ponderings: Words of Hope

I was recently given a book entitled The Way of Serenity by Father Jonathan Morris. Father Morris does a remarkable job of helping the reader see the beauty in the Serenity Prayer while sharing his thoughts about peace, courage, and wisdom. I have always been fascinated how a few words can make such an impact in our lives. Then, I thought about ways of seeing Hope in a positive light with other words starting with H. I could write several pages of the importance of each in our community. Possibly, they could be chapters of my next book or maybe your next book!

Hands of Hope

Hang around Hope

Happenings in Hope

Happiness in Hope

Harmony in Hope

Harvest in Hope

Hauser in Hope

Hats of Hope

Healthy in Hope

Heart in Hope

Heartbeat of Hope

Heaven in Hope

Hellos in Hope

Help in Hope

Heritage in Hope

Heroes of Hope

Hibernate in Hope

Hike in Hope

History in Hope

Hobbies in Hope

Holidays in Hope

Holiness in Hope

Home in Hope

Homemade in Hope

Homesick for Hope

Homespun in Hope

Honesty in Hope

Honk in Hope

Honor in Hope

Hoops in Hope

Hospitality in Hope

Huddle for Hope

Hum in Hope

Humanity in Hope

Humble in Hope

Humor in Hope

Hurray for Hope

Hymns of Hope

Note: Just before submitting this article, I listened to Brittany Young, Hauser graduate and 2014-2015 FFA State President, give a message about Hope, a powerful and moving message that will make you want to stand and applaud just like her audience. It is around the 1:12 mark:

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