April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

Farmers sought for Hometown Food Guide

Press release

Farmers, we want to list your farm and/or farm stand in the upcoming "Hometown Food Guide." This will be a free directory of farms that serve the Columbus area.

To participate, we just need you to fill out a 2-minute survey that lets you create your listing for the Guide. Deadline is March 15. Please encourage your friends who sell food directly to customers to fill this out, too. We want to include as many farmers as possible!

Here's the link.

The project is sponsored by the Columbus Food Co-op.

We're taking on the project because our 800+ members want to know how to buy more food even before our grocery opens. We hope the Guide is a way to promote you, the farmers who grow our food, and help more people eat more local food.

If you have any questions, email Michelle at [email protected] or call Liz at (317) 258-5217.[[In-content Ad]]