April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
Fresh from the Farm: A stay-at-home vacation chronicled
We recently returned from a vacation to North Carolina to visit our daughter, Ashley. We have not always been able to actually leave on a vacation nor have both of us been able to take off at the same time.
In memory of one of those stay-at-home vacations I thought I would share a story about one. It went something like this:
Well, we are back to normal here at home. (I use the term "normal" lightly here at our place!)
So, my husband, God love him, (sometimes ONLY God could) has had a two weeks vacation in the past month. He promised to clean the big stall in the barn as well as get the yard mowed. The following is the first week schedule:
Sunday and the first day of vacation. Who works?
Monday, Day 2... Broke riding lawnmower. Required a six-pack and a lawn chair to figure out the belt was broken. Called wife to pick up belt after work.
Tuesday, Day 3... Broke two push mowers. Required a six-pack and a lawn chair to figure out they wouldn't run.
Wednesday, Day 4... Took apart riding mower to put on new belt. Required several tools, a six-pack and a lawn chair. Tools are gone, forgot how he took it apart and couldn't put it back together.
Thursday, Day 5... Borrowed lawnmower and weed eater from brother. Broke lawn mower, but he weeded a path to the chicken pen so wife wouldn't nag. Required a 6 pack and lawn chair to figure out which direction path should go to the chicken pen. Children weeded path to chicken pen per supervisor in lawn chair.
Friday, Day 6... Couldn't do much today. Out of six-packs. Had to drive to town.
Saturday, Day 7... Broke weed eater. Required 6 pack and a lawn chair and phone call to brother for an hour. Note: Brother was thrilled weed eater and lawnmower no longer worked. Stocking up on six-packs and buying new lawn chair for his next vacation.
Sunday, Day 8... It's Sunday...who works on Sunday and the last day of vacation? Decided he better mow something so gets two of the horses out and lets them graze in the back yard. Required a six-pack and a lawn chair.
Wards off nagging wife by going back to work before taking another vacation.
Yard is out of control, and I cannot find my chickens! They are in the weeds somewhere...I hear them!
Husband returned to work for a week then took another vacation.
Sunday, Day 1... Had to get ready to clean the barn. Required a six-pack and a lawn chair to figure out how to go about shoveling manure.
Monday, Day 2... Mowed grass with horses again. Required a six-pack and a lawn chair.
Tuesday, Day 3... Actually shoveled manure. But first threw everything out of the barn... trash can, boards, feed pans, hay bags, etc. Note: One week later, everything is still on the outside of the barn.
Wednesday, Day 4... Shoveled more manure and broke not one, but two wheelbarrows. Spent rest of day trying to fix them. Required two inner tubes, six-pack and a lawn chair. Realized he put inner tube in wrong, and had to pay someone to figure this out.
Thursday, Day 5... Shoveling manure. Nephew broke leg, spent most of day at the hospital. Smells bad at hospital. People making funny faces at him.
Friday, Day 6... Made progress on barn. Neighbors giving funny looks as they drive by. Smell getting worse. Mowing yard while cleaning barn. Horses getting fat.
Saturday, Day 7... Finished barn!!! Horses not mowing fast enough. Lets goats run with horses in yard. Required a six-pack and a lawn chair.
Sunday, Day 8... Final day of vacation! House smells like manure, horses getting fatter, goats getting fatter. Tools to fix lawnmower still lost. Yard swaying in the breeze, and I found one chicken.
Husband has third vacation in three more weeks. Will require a bottle of wine, a hot tub, and ear plugs. I don't know what he will do, but that's what I will require for his vacation!
Any of you that know my husband, Anthony, knows that he is a hard working, wonderful person. He puts up with my goat habit and all that goes with it. But this really is his version of a stay-at-home vacation.
I am blessed to have this man in my life and could not imagine life on our little farm without him. He adds humor, wisdom and most of all love to our family.
Make sure you look around everyday to see who brings blessings into your life![[In-content Ad]]