April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

FRHC President: Progress made in search for superintendent

By By Steve Wilson-

FRHC School Board is making progress toward naming our next superintendent.

Last October, shortly after Dr. Griffey announced she would be retiring as our superintendent, the board posted for her replacement. Fourteen applicants applied for the position.

Both the outgoing and incoming board members evaluated each applicant's resume and narrowed the list down to the four most qualified. The four were each interviewed by a selection committee comprised of incoming and outgoing board members in addition to one teacher from Hope Elementary and one from Hauser. A second round of interviews was held with just the two boards.

The selection committee also considered input that helped define the qualities desired in our superintendent from community parents who have active roles at the school as well as past board members and teachers. Those qualities in order of importance were:

  • leadership
  • active in community
  • honesty
  • understands a small town
  • active in all school activities
  • able to plan for the future
  • knows curriculum
  • knowledge of finances
  • experienced

Based on the results of these interviews the current board appointed two of its members to enter into contract negotiations. A draft contract has been negotiated that is planned to be advertised in The Republic and on the HSJ Online. The draft contract must be published at least 10 days before the public meeting to discuss and hear public input on the proposed contract. This public meeting is scheduled for Feb. 3rd.

The board must then wait at least seven days to vote on the contract. The vote on the contract will occur Feb. 17th.

If the board approves the contract and the candidate accepts and signs, the executed contract will be posted on the district website.

Many positive things are happening at our schools. I see this as another step in the right direction for our student's futures.[[In-content Ad]]