April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
Fruit tree workshops to be held Friday, Saturday
By From Kris Medic-
It hardly seems like time to think about fruit trees, but pruning in February and March is one practice that leads to fruitfulness. Join Purdue Extension Educator Kris Medic and others in a local orchard while you:
The workshop will be held on Friday Feb. 16th and Saturday Feb. 17th from 2-4 p.m., in Columbus. Only those registered will receive the address.
For Friday, register at eventbrite.com
For Saturday, register at eventbrite.com
Dress for the weather and bring pruners and gloves. Severe weather may cancel the event.
For more information contact Kris Medic with Purdue Cooperative Extension-Bartholomew County at 812-379-1665
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