April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

Hope FFA meets with officers from 55 years earlier

By Hope FFA reporters-

The Hope FFA chapter had a special twist to the October monthly meeting.

We were able to contact some past chapter officers from 55 years ago. 45 members were present to hear these officers speak to us about their experience in this organization and the benefits that were provided.

The main speaker was Don Barriger. He is a Hauser graduate and joined FFA in 1965. He received his chapter degree in 1966 and his state degree in 1968. He accomplished a lot within the chapter but he was even more successful overseas.

While Don was in the U.S. Army he was sent to Korea. When he was there, Korean officials knew he had a background in agriculture. That led him to an interview where they wanted him to help form the FFK, better known as the Future Farmers of Korea. They made a library and the Hope FFA chapter provided it with books .

The Hope FFA Chapter has a rich history with active members, and it was a great experience for members, new and old, to hear about the changes in agriculture and the chapter. Seeing the premier leadership, personal growth, and career success of over 50 years in FFA was encouraging to members today to take every opportunity they get.[[In-content Ad]]