April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
Purdue hosting walking program in Bartholomew County
By From Harriett Armstrong-
Get WALKIN' is a free email based walking program being offered through Purdue Extension - Bartholomew County in partnership with the Purdue School of Nursing. Participants can sign-up, walk on their own and receive e-mailed support and information during a 12 week period beginning Sept. 7th. Participants will be asked to complete two short online surveys. Any resident of the county who is 18 years and older may enroll. Simply go to bit.ly/2a9FmrG to register online. No class has to be attended.
Now is a time when people are often starting new habits with the beginning of a new school year. Why not begin the fall season by walking and moving more? Walking is a popular form of physical activity-and good for your health! Only half of all American adults get the recommended amount of physical activity. Lack of physical activity is directly related to the occurrence of adult obesity and overweight. Regular physical activity can lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, and falls in older adults. Walking is an excellent way for most people to increase their physical activity. It is an easy way to start and maintain a physically active lifestyle.
During the fall there will be other walking events taking place. The Mill Race includes a 5K walk which is held on Sept. 24th. WalkOctober will be sponsored by Healthy Communities with such activities as: Walk n' Wag, Public Art Walk, Guided Nature Walk, Walk with a Doc, and the opportunity to win free classes at WellConnect.
All of these make for a great time to start some new habits.[[In-content Ad]]