April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

Rumble Strip work starting on State Road 9

By HSJ Online [email protected]

The Indiana Department of Transportation is warning that there will be crews working on State Road 9, installing rumble strips, for the next 30 to 45 days.

The state agency says that flaggers will be in place while the work is being done between Sunland Road and the Shelby County line.

Rumble stripes are being cut as part of a $241,200 centerline and edge line project to enhance driver safety in Bartholomew and Clark counties. The work is expected to start today, April 12th.

Gridlock Traffic Systems of Indianapolis is the state's contractor.

Rumble stripes alert motorists of potential cross-lane hazards by generating tactile vibrations and audible rumbling or humming sounds. They are also known as sleeper lines, corduroy growlers and drift lines. Studies show these cost-effective applications reduce incidents of cross-lane collisions and off-road crashes.[[In-content Ad]]