April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
Schools budget set; tax rate yet to be determined
The $8.73 million budget, passed Oct. 20, now goes to the Indianapolis Department of Local Government Finance. Business Manager Jeff Cleland has said the DLGF should settle on a tax rate in December.
People can see the school district's specific budget numbers at budgetnotices.in.gov.
Cleland said the district's taxable property values rose from $208.8 million to $210.4 million since last year, a difference of 0.77 percent. Nevertheless, the corporation proposed to spend nearly a quarter of a million dollars less.
Within those numbers, debt service costs are dropping by $51,968, capital project costs by $72,100, transportation costs by $11,900 and bus replacement expenditures by $4,820, reports show.
The slight hike in AV might or might not reduce people's property taxes, Cleland said. He has declined to speculate how much the increase might affect the amount people will pay in school-directed property taxes.[[In-content Ad]]