April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.
Sheriff's department to offer youth leadership competition
By Bartholomew County Sheriff's Department-
This year's Bartholomew County Sheriff's Youth Academy will include a leadership competition.
Attendees will be divided into two groups and will be asked to bring at least one non-perishable food item to the Academy each day. At the end of the Academy, individual Leadership awards, as well as group awards, will be given to those bringing in the most items.
Individual winners attending the 6-9 year old 2-day Academy will receive a TV for overall first place and the overall second place winner will receive an iPod. Group winners will receive medals and certificates.
The overall winner for the 10-14-year old 4-day Academy will receive a tablet and the overall second place winner will receive an iPod. Group winners will receive medals and certificates.
At the end of the Academy, all donated non-perishable food items will be delivered to Love Chapel's Food Pantry to help feed less fortunate families in Bartholomew County.
"This will let these young people know that they can make a difference and they can have a really good time doing it", said Sheriff Matt Myers.
"This is an opportunity to teach children that there are many children and families', maybe in their own neighborhood, who might be struggling."
"It also let's children know that giving back to their community doesn't have to be a big endeavor, it can be as small as bringing a can of food to camp", said Major Chris lane.
This is the second time recently that the Bartholomew County Sheriff's Office has helped feed Bartholomew County families. In November 2015, BCSO "packed a patrol car" and delivered more than 8,000 non-perishable food items to Love Chapel's Food Pantry.[[In-content Ad]]