April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

Slate promoted at sheriff's department

By From Judy [email protected]

Press Release

Bartholomew County Sheriff Matt Myers announced, the promotion of Lt. Brandon Slate to the rank of Administrative Captain, effective Monday, May 4, 2015.

Capt. Slate has worked in several areas of the Sheriff's Office: in the jail as a Corrections Officer and as a Merit Deputy in the Road Division, Detective Bureau, and Narcotics Division.  

Slate was promoted to Sergeant in October 2012, and worked as a third shift supervisor. In January 2015, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant as the deputy road commander.

On Monday, Slate joined the sheriff's leadership team as captain of administrative services. 

Slate assumee the position previously held by Capt. Greg Duke.  Capt. Duke is being reassigned, at his request, to the rank of lieutenant in the road division.

Having served as the Sheriff's Administrative Captain since January 1, 2015, Duke prefers being assigned to road patrol where he has the opportunity to interact with the public on a daily basis.[[In-content Ad]]