April 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

"Walktober" events scheduled for month

By From Laura Garrett-

Press Release

Walktober, National Walking Month, is a month-long celebration in October designed to inspire our community to walk more and become more healthy. Activities and events will be held throughout the month to encourage the community to get outside and walk. From Walk to School Day, to a walk celebrating public art, there is an activity for everyone.

Walktober is a great opportunity for our community to become more active. It is also a way to promote awareness of the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of making improvements to our city that make it more conducive to walking, biking and public transit. By creating opportunities for the community to move more, get connected with like-minded individuals and share knowledge of great walking routes, it is hoped that this celebration will help our community move down the path to greater well-being.

"We have celebrated Bike Month in May for years and felt now is the time to also celebrate walking during National Walking Month. We are excited about all the fun walking opportunities that are being offered by our partners!" said Laura Garrett, Community Initiatives Lead, Reach Healthy Communities

The events are being organized by various businesses and organizations, including

Alzheimer's Association, The Arc of Columbus, Columbus Learning Center, Columbus Regional Hospital, CRH Wellconnect, Dog World, IUPUC, Ivy Tech, Landmark Columbus, The Mill Race Center, Safe Routes to School, Turning Point and White River Running Company. The Walktober Calendar is being coordinated by Reach Healthy Communities as part of its Go Healthy Columbus initiative.

For additional information, visit:

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