August 12, 2022 at 3:58 a.m.

Registration for NFL Flag Football Fall Season at Gathering Fields of Hope Closes Monday

By By Jennifer [email protected]

There’s still time to register for this fall’s season of Boys and Girls Flag Football at the Gathering Fields of Hope, located just south of town, which begins September 3rd and runs through October 30th.

Registration closes Monday August 15th. 

Organizer Matt Galbraith with First Baptist Church of Hope says this season marks the league’s eighth season since the idea was first floated nearly a decade ago.

Church members wanted to offer some kind of activity at the Gathering Fields, Galbraith explains.

“They said, ‘We ought to have some sort of event that allows for community involvement,’” he says. “And the idea was kicked around for starting a flag football league.”

And the rest, as they say is, well, history.

This season’s Saturday morning games, which are scheduled for 9, 10 and 11 a.m., are open to boys and girls in third through sixth grade.

These practices aren’t just any practice, though. There’s a devotion at every practice, Galbraith says. It is up to the respective coach as to whether the game is opened or closed with a devotion.

“We believe it is very important for young people to be grounded in their faith and led by men and women of faith,” Galbraith says. “It is important to lead by example.”

Registration to play for the season is $40 per child and includes a reversable shirt (to designate for home and away games) and set of flags to keep.

Galbraith says the league is always in search of volunteers who would like to assist with coaching, score and time keeping, and a diverse range of other positions.

“If you want to be a coach, help out with a team, we have a position for you,” Galbraith says. “Or just come out, join us and have fun. It is fun, energetic and there’s no better feeling than watching a child learn a new sport.”