June 22, 2022 at 3:53 p.m.

Calling All Li'l Firecrackers... Little Miss & Mr. Firecracker Returns for Old-Fashioned 4th

By By Jennifer [email protected]


The 4th Annual Little Miss and Mr. Firecracker Contest is seeking contestants for this year’s contest presented by the organizers of Hope’s Annual Old-Fashioned Fourth of July Celebration.

The contest is open to all Hope-area children ages 3 to 10 years old, and all proceeds go to benefit the Yellow Trail Museum.

Curious what it takes to take the title of Little Miss or Mr. Firecracker? It’s easy!

Simply decorate a can and solicit friends and family for penny votes. Each penny counts as one vote, one dollar equals 100 votes.

Cans must be submitted to the Yellow Trail Museum before Wednesday JUNE 29. If the museum is not open, you may drop off your can to Jessica Brown at Deckard Tool, located at 624 Main St.

The winners for Little Miss and Mr. will be announced at 6:15 p.m. July 1 on the Town Square.

Little Miss and Mr. Firecracker will then lead the bike parade around the Town Square.

Registration forms are available at WILLow LeaVes of Hope, located at 326 Jackson St., the Yellow Trail Museum, located at 644 Main St., the Hope Branch Library, located at 635 Harrison St., and on the Square the day of the event.