October 25, 2022 at 9:23 p.m.

Veterans' Photos Needed

By Jessica [email protected]

The Yellow Trail Museum/Hope Visitors Center is currently seeking Veteran photos from the Hope area/Northeast corner of Bartholomew County for a special display for Veterans' Day.   Some folks have already brought in photos or have been contacted.   If you haven’t, please drop off photos to the Yellow Trail Museum/Hope Visitors Center during regular hours of operation.    The museum is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 1 pm – 5 pm, and Saturdays 12 noon – 4 pm.   Or you can call Darlene Allen to coordinate a drop-off.    Darlene’s number is 812-371-0677.   Photos can be returned after copies are made.

Also the Yellow Trail Museum/Hope Visitors Center is sponsoring a Veterans' Breakfast at WILLow LeaVes on Friday, November 11, 2022 following the Veterans' program at Hauser Jr. – Sr. High School.   The school program begins at 8 am, and the breakfast will begin at approximately 9:15 am.   Veterans and a Guest eat FREE.   Other sponsors for this event include WILLow LeaVes of Hope and Fye Rentals LLC.   Come join us for great food and great fellowship!



                                        Susan Thayer Fye