February 17, 2023 at 3:53 p.m.

Hope Town Council Meeting Agenda 02/21

By From Diane [email protected]

Town Council Meeting Agenda

Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m.

Town of Hope Facebook Live


Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes 11/29/2022 and 12/20/2022

Approval of Claims

Old Business:

CCMG paving quotes - Steve Robertson/Strand Associates

New Business:

Verizon Antennas - David Clouse

Water Emergency Response - David Clouse

Davey Tree Contract - David Clouse

Animal control contract - Diane Burton/Matt Tallent

Town Recycle Dumpster - Jason Eckart

Road School Purdue University - Jason Eckart

** Agenda subject to change. Posted date 02/17/2023.