March 1, 2023 at 1:31 p.m.
Public Invited to March 3 Event on Value of Higher Education
CHE’s Charlee Beasor and Allison Kuehr will discuss research findings on the perceived value of higher education, which is one factor keeping Indiana students from attending postsecondary education. Beasor serves as CHE’s associate commissioner for marketing and communications. Kuehr manages communications and media relations strategy at CHE. Both are currently focused on understanding Hoosier attitudes about higher education and leading a campaign to promote the value of education and training beyond high school.
“Educational attainment has a dramatic impact on local economies to be sure, but education beyond high school also impacts the quality of life for individuals and families, including health outcomes,” said Marsha VanNahmen, assistant director, Center for Teaching and Learning at IUPUC. “We welcome this opportunity to better understand attitudes about postsecondary education and why people are or are not enrolling in college. We are eager to consider actionable steps we might take to change the trajectory of this troubling trend.”
The March 3 event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. The Columbus Learning Center is located at 4555 Central Ave.
About CHE
Created in 1971, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education plans, coordinates and defines Indiana’s postsecondary education system to align higher learning with the needs of students and the state. The Commission builds a policy agenda on a commitment to using compelling data to increase transparency, inform practice, and drive change for the benefit of all Hoosiers. The Commission also administers Indiana’s financial aid programs, including the 21st Century Scholars early college promise scholarship, which celebrated 30 years in 2020.