May 25, 2023 at 7:40 a.m.

Gratitude, Best Wishes and Blessings: A Note to the Class of 2023

By Paulette Munn, Guest Contributor

Unbelievable, 50 years since my high school graduation. It was a blessing to remember and reconnect with high school friends, especially those not seen for many years, at our reunion and the alumni banquet. It was nice to have such a great turnout at the banquet and to be honored that night. Thank you to those who worked hard to plan that evening. As our class members put together plans for our reunion, we realized that we had lost 12 members of our class. What a blessing to be alive 50 years later and to get to celebrate together! I think that life is often something taken for granted.

This year's graduating class probably are not taking so much for granted, as sadly they have already lost three classmates. What a beautiful memory bench to honor them and a reminder to appreciate the life God has given you.

Fifty years later, you have a different perspective and can also laugh at the failures of your youth. I shared my failures participating in the first ever high school girls' sport-track in 1972. I later regretted that I did not think to mention the girls, who finished their race. I applaud them for not giving up and becoming the real blazers for girls' sports at Hauser High School! Girls' sports have changed a lot in 50 years, and it is fun to sit in the stands and applaud all of Hauser's athletes.

I also applaud my first graders of 2011-2012! Some of you were athletes, some not. Some were good in academics and some not. But each of you are special, with your own set of gifts. I would just like to tell you now to be thankful for the life you have been given. Finish your race of life well, doing your best even when, and especially when, it is difficult. Best wishes and God's blessings to the class of 2023.