October 9, 2023 at 6:30 a.m.

Board of Zoning Appeals Notice of Public Hearing for 10/23

Hope, INDIANA 47246

Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Hope's Board of Zoning Appeals will meet in regular session on Monday October 23, 2023, at 7 p.m. the Hope Town Hall Council Chambers. The only agenda item is VDS- 01-23, a request to allow a variance from developmental standards. The petitioner, Leslie Jackson, is requesting a variance to allow two residential structures on one lot and to have one of the structures contain less than the required 1000 square feet of living area. The address of the property is 519 High Street Hope, Indiana.

The public is welcome to attend to speak either for or against the petition. If you wish to comment on the project but cannot attend the meeting, please submit your comments in writing to Building and Zoning Administrator, 404 Jackson Street, Hope, IN 47246. A copy of the petition is available for review prior to the meeting.

Matthew Galbraith
Building and Zoning Administrator