August 16, 2024 at 12:10 p.m.

Town Council Meeting Agenda 08/20

By Diane Burton

Town Council Meeting Agenda 08/20

Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m.
Town of Hope Facebook Live

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes 07/16/2024
Approval of Claims

Old Business:
Wastewater grant update - Tony Akles/Strand Associates/Jason Eckart
Sealcoating payment request - Tony Akles/Jason Eckart
Hope for the Future - Kinleigh Miller
Mental Health loneliness sidewalk grant - Victoria Bechert

New Business:
Town Budget recommendations 2025 - Diane Burton
Community Center of Hope/park request - Jeff Yarnell
Glow like Sarah/ Hope FFA week - Aleesa Dickerson
Stormwater issue/Goshen Meadows - Tony Akles/David Clouse

*Posted date 8/16/2024
*Agenda subject to change.