January 23, 2024 at 10:55 a.m.
Town Talk: Paving Pathways - Sidewalk Project Fosters Community Connection
Happy New Year, Everyone!
As we welcome in the new year of 2024, we welcome in a new beginning and a fresh start with high hopes of improvement and success. Whether it is weight loss, financial prosperity, finishing an overdue project, organizational improvements, the list goes on and on. Whatever it is, it takes a lot of effort and determination to be successful.
I wanted to write this month about a person who recently passed away and happened to be one of the first friends I met as Town Manager.
It was determined by the Town Council that my first project was to perform a sidewalk assessment and inventory. While measuring width, slope and run of each sidewalk I had a very inquisitive woman come outside and ask me what I was doing. I explained to her that I was the new Town Manager and that I was working on a plan to create and replace some sidewalks in town.
After a brief introduction she asked if I was thirsty, I said, “Yes, this sun is hot today.” I was asked to sit in the shade of her giant front porch while she got me a glass of water. We discussed the weather, life and after an hour or so of fun conversation I told her that I must get back to finishing my assessment.
A week or so after the completion of the assessment, I had a meeting with a group that was looking to do some small jobs around the town as part of a community outreach program. I mentioned that I would like to try and get a house painted, the group seemed excited to try to help. The house I was thinking of happened to belong to the lady who I had a glass of water with just a week or so prior.
After the meeting with the community outreach program director, I proceeded to go speak with the homeowner about repairing her home. We discussed at length the things that she wanted done around the house and, specifically, not to damage any of her prized rose bushes. She said she would be happy to cook chili for the group and that her chili was the best around.
Following weeks of attempting to make things happen for the homeowner, it became clear that there were not enough volunteers to assist with the paint work and upgrade of her home. I was very disappointed but, nonetheless, the effort made was futile. After weeks of attempting to find a way to help, I had to have the hard conversation with the homeowner that it just could not happen; she understood and was clearly disappointed, but also genuinely nice and understanding.
She asked what I had planned for the sidewalk, I said that it was not going to happen this summer, but probably next summer. Throughout the fall and winter, I would see her occasionally at town events and whenever I saw her sitting on her front porch, I would make a point to stop and say, “Hello” to her. She loved the town and was always inquiring about what was happening in this wonderful little town, she would tell me history of the town and I learned many things from her.
The following spring, I was able to walk her sidewalk with the concrete professionals and you could see the excitement in her eyes when I told her that we were going to install her new sidewalk this summer.

During the construction of the new sidewalk, I would periodically drive by to check the progress on the new installation, and she would always be outside as if she were the job foreman. She was very happy to see the progress and I believe that after the sidewalk was finished, she would have been able to be a concrete professional herself.
Upon completion of the project, I would drive by and see her walking on her new sidewalk and would stop and chat with her, she was overjoyed with the new improvement and very happy that there was a sidewalk that could go from Aiken Street all the way to the Town Square. Although I never got a chance to enjoy a cup of her famous homemade chili, I was able to make a new friend who I enjoyed to talking to very much. You will be missed Wilma!
This goes to show how important it is to build new sidewalks. Not only do sidewalks provide a safety measure for pedestrians they also form a community and connect people together.
I am by no means a professional writer, but I hope you enjoyed the story and with effort and determination I will become a more proficient writer. Thank you for your continued support of the Town of Hope!