June 17, 2024 at 7:50 a.m.

Town Council Meeting Agenda 06/18

By Diane Burton


Town Council Meeting Agenda
Hope Town Hall 5:30pm
Town of Hope Facebook Live

Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes 05/21/2024
Approval of Claims

Old Business:
CCMG round 2024-2 - Tony Akles/Strand Associates/Jason Eckart
Union Street - Jason Eckart

New Business:
Park Request: Prayer Circle Aug 4th - Whitney Budd/Students Fund of Hope
Park Request: Outdoor Movie Night Sept 20th - Whitney Budd/SFOH
Utility write-offs - Diane Burton
Outstanding checks - Diane Burton
High St. Stormwater Project - David Clouse
Moravian Pump Station - David Clouse
National Guard/ Cruise-in - Jason Eckart
Main Street of Hope - Connie Kiviniemi-Baylor
Smoke On the Square - Jeff Yarnell

* Posted 06/14/2024 subject to change