March 18, 2024 at 2:25 p.m.

Town Council Meeting Agenda 03/19

Town Council Meeting Agenda
Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m.
Town of Hope Facebook Live

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Hearing:
Goshen Meadows preliminary engineering report for wastewater upgrade-Strand Associates - Tony Akles

Adjourn public meeting.

Approval of Minutes 1/16/2024 & 2/20/2024.
Approval of Claims.

Old Business:
Signatory Authorization Resolution- Hope Resolution 2024-01 - Tony Akles/Strand Associates
PER Acceptance Resolution - Hope Resolution 2024-02 - Tony Akles/Strand Associates
Town Engineering updates - Tony Akles/Strand Associates
Commercial Properties - Jason Eckart

New Business:
Owner Occupied Rehab - Victoria Bechert, Patty Jackson SIRPC
Farmers Market - Jason Eckart

**Posted date 03/15/2024 subject to change.