May 20, 2024 at 9:15 a.m.

Town Council Meeting Agenda 05/21

By Diane Burton


Town Council Meeting Agenda
Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m.

Town of Hope Facebook Live
Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes 04/16/2024
Approval of Claims

Old Business:
CCMG round 2024-2 - Tony Akles/Strand Associates
Building and Zoning Contract - Jason Eckart
Community Center Resolution - Jeff Yarnell

New Business:
EDIT request - John Walstad
Town of Hope Liability Insurance - Terry Green/Johnson Whitkemper
Town of Hope Insurance Liability Insurance - Bob Barnes/EPIC
Tazer Resolution - Matt Tallent
Plan Commission Recommendations - Jason Eckart
Park request- Kinleigh Miller senior project - Hope for the future-Kinleigh Miller

*05/17/2024 subject to change