May 21, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
Low Impact Exercise Group at HUMC Has Large Impact
I attended my first low impact exercising class at Hope United Methodist Church with the invitation from the facilitator, Margie Lou Boilanger. Classes have been meeting since 2019 on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 - 2:30 p.m. with an important socializing period first. COVID was quite interruptive, but the “mature” members are back at it with the age presently ranging from Barry Beeker at 71 and June Gilliland at 96.
Wilna Braun, Columbus, first facilitated the group. They felt it important to pay her for coming and leading; however, she would never accept payment. Members decided to continue to pay with their generosity now being evident throughout the community. On behalf of the group, Pat May, treasurer, proudly shared a total of over $5,000 has been distributed to all the Local Fire Departments, Hope United Methodist Church and Moravian Church Meal Sites, Hope Baptist Church Thanksgiving Dinner, Hope Food Pantry, Hope Community Center, Shop with a Cop, Ghost Goblins & Goodies, and Athletic and Non-Athletic School Groups. It is one more example of the wonderful acts of giving within the community!
When pulling in the main parking lot, I was thinking I had the wrong day or the wrong time but found several vehicles parked in the secondary lot. I was a little late but quickly figured out I needed a chair through observing the group focused on doing exercises on their chairs and following a DVD on a large screen in the dining area of HUMC. Immediately, I was exercising from my selected chair while tuning in to the Certified Instructor, Anne Pringle Burnell, leading a group on the DVD as well as our group. I was quite impressed with all participating, in particular how they all could seemingly pick up their feet for some of the exercises while I had much difficulty. Possibly, it was due to my height and the lowness of the chair; possibly, it was due to some minor back issues; most likely, it was due to lacking strength in those necessary muscles. Finally, I gave up lifting my feet but heard Anne stress several times during the session to not try an exercise if it caused problems.
Afterward, Margie shared that the group incorporates several DVDs and that they are not all chair based. (Members wanted the Tai Chi one mentioned which includes an interesting face massage; I borrowed it, tried it, and liked it.) The DVD used during this session states the following: “Stronger Seniors Workout Program is designed to help seniors develop strength and enhance the ability to function in daily life. This fitness program hopes to improve your ability to be stable and balanced, to stay mobile, to go up and down stairs, to squat and pick something up, and to play with your grandchildren!” Great grandchildren should have been included for this group.
When talking with Margie Lou, she also mentioned how the exercises help the joints of the body, increase flexibility, and range in motion, areas I definitely need improvement. When doing a little research, I found low impact exercising possibly can be a benefit to the heart, diabetes, bones, brain, and the burning of calories, all positives too!
Marie Lou would very much like for other “mature” adults to join the group. There are plenty of chairs and space is plentiful. I plan on returning! If wishing to join the group, it is just a matter of showing up in comfortable clothing and shoes. If wishing more information, please do not hesitate to call Margie Lou Boilanger at 812-546-4722.