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Brian Howey: About That ‘Clear Path’ in the Ukraine War

Two years after the American Continental Congress had declared independence, George Washington’s army settled in for its third bitterly cold winter encampment at Valley Forge. Things looked bleak in 1778...

Lee Hamilton: Biden-Xi Meeting Shows Talk Matters

U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping met for four hours last month on an estate near San Francisco. That, in and of itself, is important...

Flight of Discovery - June 3, 2004: La Charrette

This is the fourth installment on the Flight of Discovery, an aerial scientific expedition that retraced the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail from Indiana to the Pacific Ocean...

Brian Howey: The Coming Showdown over American Democracy

On Tuesday evening, Fox News host Sean Hannity lobbed a softball question at Donald J. Trump...

Lee Hamilton: What Kind of Democracy Are We When Politicians Fear Violence?

Now that the dust has settled on the House speakership fight, both Washington and the media have been eager to move on to other issues: the Israel-Hamas war, the Trump trials, the recent elections, and more...
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Brian Howey: Hathaway Chips Away at Hoosier Gender Barriers

Indiana became a state 207 years ago. All of our governors and U.S. senators have been white guys...

Hope Still has a Newspaper When Other Communities Do Not …

Thirteen years ago, I retired from teaching in the Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Corporation...


Size did not matter in the first grade. My classmates and I were diminutive, and our world was as small as we were. The boundaries were limited by what we could see and hear...

Brian Howey: Indiana Lawmakers are Out of Sync with Voters, but Does It Matter?

The filing process for Indiana's primary elections begins on Jan. 10 and ends Feb. 9...

Lee Hamilton: Unhappy with the State of Politics? We Have the Power to Change It

Americans are fed up with politics. That’s the obvious conclusion of a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, which found many of us have “unrelentingly negative” views of politics and elected officials...
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Frame of Mind

“You know Michael Jackson and Porter and Hoagy and Pyle Scat Carothers and Mellencamp and Riley and Dean But do you recall One of the most forgotten Hoosiers of all?”...

Flight of Discovery – June 2, 2004: Confluences

This morning we launched at 9 a.m. from Henderson, Kentucky and headed down the Ohio River with Southern Illinois to our right...

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and a Young Man from Hope, Ind.

My father, Alton Cory Reeves, was born June 06, 1896, and raised in Knightstown, Ind., the younger of four brothers, and a sister, having lost a younger sister when she was 10 years old.

Brian Howey: The Beauty of Democracy: Concessions of Vanquished

Across the Hoosier prairies, hills and hollers, as the cornfields morphed into city limits and neighborhoods, something beautiful occurred Tuesday night...


The season of perpetual pie is upon us. In the past weeks a crust brown splattered the trees...
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