728 X 90 AD
Yellow Trail Museum, One of the Best Small-Town Museums Even has an Interactive Model of the Town of Hope in the 30s & 40s
The Hope Yellow Trail Museum undoubtedly is one of the best small-town museums around. It is due to the efforts of many people within the community over the years...
Where is Hauser graduate, Josh Land? Celebrating
Several years ago, I had Josh Land as a fifth grader followed by his sister, Molly, and then his brother, Joe. They were all excellent students, remained in FRHC School Corporation while graduating from Hauser, Josh in 2003.
HSJ Online Always and Forever
Thirteen years ago, I retired from teaching in the Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Corporation. Afterward, Larry Simpson, owner/editor/publisher of the “Hope Star-Journal,” asked if I would be willing to write articles. I agreed but had no plans to still be writing thirteen years later...
728 X 90 AD
728 X 90 AD
728 X 90 AD