May 10, 2021
Smoke on the Square
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Smoke on the Square
The 10th Smoke on the Square will be held on May 15th from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm. It will be a drive-thru event held on the Hope Town Square. $10 Brisket Meal* $9 Pulled Pork Meal* $8 Grilled Chicken Meal* $5 Hot Dog Meal - chips and drink only *Meals served with Sandwich, Potato Salad, Chips, and Drink $8 Brisket Sandwich $7 Pulled Pork Sandwich $6 Grilled Chicken Sandwich $2 Hot Dog $2 Potato Salad $1 Chips $1 Drink $5 Funnel Cake - served from Rho Chapter of the Kappa Kappa Sigma Sorority We will have a limited number of meals for this event. You can place your order ahead of time to be sure you get served. Thank you so much for supporting Smoke on the Square and the Community Center of Hope!
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