April 4, 2023
Stories this photo appears in:

UPDATED: Town of Hope Named One of 15 Rural Communities to Receive OCRA Grant Funding
The Office of Lieutenant Governor Micah Beckwith and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs today...

Town of Hope Planning Commission: Notice of Public Hearing 02/17
Notice of Public Hearing for Town of Hope...

Notice to Taxpayers Regarding 2025 Budget: Public Hearing 09/17
Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of HOPE CIVIL TOWN...

Town of Hope Requests Pickup for Unclaimed Checks
The Town of Hope has more than $1,000 in unclaimed checks...

Town Talk: The Town’s Sewer Project “A Quick Flush”
There are always things happening in our small community that many are not aware of...

Notice of Public Hearing 05/20
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Hope's Plan Commission will meet...

Notice of Public Hearing: Hope Utilities Goshen Meadows Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)
The Town of Hope will hold a public hearing at the Town Council meeting scheduled...

Notice of Public Hearing on Petition for Disannexation 03/06
Notice is hereby given that Petitioners...

Town Council Meeting Agenda 02/20
Town Council Meeting Agenda Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m. Town of Hope Facebook Live...

Town Talk: Season's Greetings!
Season’s Greetings! My name is Jason and have been town manager of Hope...

Town Council Meeting Notes 12/19
Gary Dodd led the opening prayer followed by the pledge of allegiance. John Walstad then thanked David Clouse for all his years of service...

Town Council Meeting Agenda 12/19
Town Council Meeting Agenda Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m. Town of Hope Facebook Live...

EDIT Committee Meeting 12/13
EDIT Committee Meeting Hope Town Hall, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 13, 2023...

Town Council Special Session Agenda 12/11
Town Council Special Session 4 p.m. Monday, December 11, 2023...

Planning Commission Meeting Notes 11/27: Rezoning Request Denied
Members of the Planning Commission meet Monday to discuss rezoning the property located at 10021 N St. Road 9...

Town Council Meeting Notes 11/21
Ed Johnson was not present at the meeting. Ohmer Miller called the meeting to order with the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance...

Town Council Meeting Agenda 11/21
Town Council Meeting Agenda Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 21, 2023...

Town Council Meeting Notes 10/17
The meeting opened with a public hearing for the 2024 budget adoption, ordinance 2023-4. Herby Asher motioned to accept the budget. John Walstad seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. The public hearing was adjourned...

Hope Planning Commission Notice of Public Meeting 11/27
Notice is hereby given that the town of Hope's Planning Commission will meet in regular session at 7 p.m. Monday, November 27, 2023, at the Hauser High School Auditorium, 9273 N SR 9...

Town Council Meeting Agenda 10/17
Town Council Meeting Agenda Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m. Town of Hope Facebook Live Prayer Pledge of Allegiance...

Board of Zoning Appeals Notice of Public Hearing for 10/23
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Hope's Board of Zoning Appeals will meet in regular session on Monday October 23, 2023, at 7 p.m...

Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting Agenda for 09/25
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Hope's Board of Zoning Appeals will meet...

EDIT Committee Meeting Postponed to 09/18
EDIT Committee Meeting 5: 30 p.m. September 18, 2023, Town Hall

Town Council Meeting Notes 08/15
Council President Ohmer Miller brought the meeting to order with a reminder to silence electronic devices. He then led the opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance...

Town Council Meeting Agenda 08/15
Town Council Meeting Agenda Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m. Town of Hope Facebook Live...

Town Council Meeting Notes 07/18
Council President Ohmer Miller called the meeting to order with a reminder to silence cell phones and pagers. The meeting opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance...

Town Council Meeting Agenda 07/18
Town Council Meeting Agenda Hope Town Hall 5:30 p.m. Town of Hope Facebook Live Prayer...

Town Council Meeting Notes 06/20
Council president Ohmer Miller the opened the meeting with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance...

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Increase of Wastewater Rates and Charges of the Town of Hope
Property owners, ratepayers and other interested parties in or served or to be served by the sewage works of the Town of Hope, Indiana (“Town”) are hereby notified that at the April 18, 2023, meeting of the Town Council of the Town (“Council”), the Council introduced a proposed increase in rates and charges for the Town’s sewage works system...

Notice of Public Hearing: Wastewater Grant
On or about June 30, 2023, the Town of Hope intends to apply to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs for a grant application from the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Wastewater / Drinking Water Program...

Notice of Public Hearing: Proposed Water Rates Increase and Charges of the Town of Hope
Property owners, ratepayers and other interested parties in or served or to be served by the waterworks of the Town of Hope, Indiana (“Town”) are hereby notified that at the April 18, 2023, meeting of the Town Council of the Town (“Council”), the Council introduced a proposed increase in rates and charges for the Town’s waterworks system...

Town Council Meeting Notes 04/18
The meeting opened with a public hearing presented by Victoria Bechert of ARA. She read the following statement...

Town Council Meeting Notes 03/21
Council president Ohmer Miller opened the meeting with a reminder to silence all electronic devices. He then led the opening prayer and pledge of allegiance.

Town Council Meeting Notes 02/21
Council President Ohmer Miller called the meeting to order. Pastor Ed Cottrell gave the opening prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was then recited.

Hope Town Council Meeting Agenda 11/15 (REVISED)
5:30 p.m. Public Hearing ARP funds Additional Appropriation Ordinance 2022-7-Diane Burton

Town Council Meeting 07/19
The meeting opened with a reminder to silence all mobile devices, followed by the opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance.

Hope Town Council Meeting 07/19
HOPE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, July 19, 2022 Hope Town Hall at 5:30 p.m.

Town Council meeting for 03/15
Approval of the Minutes2/7, 2/15, 2/16, 2/17, 3/7 Approval of the Claims

Town Council Special Meeting 03/01
HOPE TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, March 1, 2022 Hope Town Hall at 5:30 p.m.

Town Council Meeting 02/15
HOPE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, February 15, 2022 Hope Town Hall at 5:30 p.m.
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